The Heart’s Calling: A Resounding Anthem for Teachers to Persist

In the labyrinth of education, where the light can dim and the path seems treacherous, teachers often find themselves at a crossroads, torn between the weight of challenges and the desire to make a lasting impact. Despite the discouragement stemming from a lack of support, whether from the government, administration, or even parents, there exists […]

The Heart’s Calling: A Resounding Anthem for Teachers to Persist Read More »

Transform Your Life for Good: Unveiling 15 Powerful Lessons from Atomic Habits

Picture a life where each day is a thrilling leap forward, propelling you closer to your most cherished dreams and aspirations. What if I told you there’s a hidden treasure nestled within the captivating pages of a book? Brace yourself, my friend, because that formula exists. It goes by the name of “Atomic Habits” –

Transform Your Life for Good: Unveiling 15 Powerful Lessons from Atomic Habits Read More »

The Negative Effects of Coffee as a Morning Boost: Why that cup of Joe Could Harm Your Cognitive and Physical Performance and what you should do to ensure high performance.

What do you normally do first when you wake up? Say a prayer, stretch your body, or take a cup of coffee to get going.  A cup of coffee is a normal morning routine habit for some people, and many see it as a religious activity. Some others take it because they think that those who

The Negative Effects of Coffee as a Morning Boost: Why that cup of Joe Could Harm Your Cognitive and Physical Performance and what you should do to ensure high performance. Read More »

How to get better brain performance, better eyesight, and total well-being of the body, from plant foods. 

Here’s how you can get better Brain Performance, eyesight, reproductive health, and overall wellness from these superfoods.  Have you noticed that some plants have some resemblance to some body parts? This might not just be an error of nature, there’s some unwritten code in those looks that are good for us.  If you are told that there is a

How to get better brain performance, better eyesight, and total well-being of the body, from plant foods.  Read More »

How to create a winning classroom that produces students who succeed in life and in the workplace.

According to the United States National Education Association, there are essential 21st-century skills every kid should learn, and they are, Collaboration, Communication, Creativity, and Critical thinking. These skills help us succeed in today’s world, and be relevant in the marketplace. Apart from kids that have intentional parents, who go to lengths to ensure their children learn

How to create a winning classroom that produces students who succeed in life and in the workplace. Read More »